Are you a first-time exhibitor? Or perhaps you are a small business owner thinking about exhibiting and you want to know the secret to a successful event.

Then we’ve got a few tips listed below to make sure you get the most out of exhibiting. Remember, the amount of success you receive from exhibiting is measured by the effort you put in!

1. First impressions count! We aren’t just talking about having the right happy person on your stand to greet potential clients, but also your stand layout. Make sure everything is clean and tidy – don’t leave trash or food lying around. You’re there to show off your brand and products, so that’s all the customer should see!

2. Book the right site for your business – If you are selling a home product, you want to be around like-minded businesses – not outside with adventure gear!

3. Pre-show marketing – Reach out to your current customers to let them know you are exhibiting. Customers like to be able to test, see, taste, smell products before they make the commitment. Let them know you’re at an event, so they know they have the perfect chance to come and see your product in person!

4. Promotional Material – Make sure you’ve got enough flyers, business cards, pricing lists, etc. to hand out. For high range products, customers may need to go home and think about the purchase before making the commitment. So make sure they can take home the information they need to make a purchase down the track.

5. Gather leads – it might seem like a no-brainer, but why not think of ways to expand your database even further by giving away your product as a prize? It’s a win-win for both parties.

6. Follow up – You’ve just gathered hundreds of leads, now is the time to thank them for their support, offer post-show incentives and to even share your post-show story with them. Build on the relationship you started at the event.

There are truly thousands of ways to maximise your businesses exposure through exhibiting at events. For further tips and tricks of the trade, click here>