Send Large Files to Australian Events

SENDFILES2Do you need to send large files to Australian Events ? Such as video files, commercials, promotional images, etc.If your file size is 4mb or under you can forward these files to Australian Events by regular email. For larger files, you can use a service such as Dropbox or OneDrive, and share the link to the file to us. If you do not have access to these services, or would like to use our system, simply follow the instuctions below.To use the Australian Events File Transfer system:
  1. Complete the form below to create a user account, or for existing users, use the login form below.
  2. Once your account is approved, login to the system and click on the “Upload” link located in the top left corner.
  3. Drag and drop your files, or click on the button to browse for your files, then click the “Upload Files” button
  4. An email will be sent to Australian Events informing us of the files you have sent us.
If you have any issues with this system, do not hesitate to contact us and inform us. Thank you. 

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