Are you looking for a fabulous way to be promoted, attract thousands of people to your site and collect hundreds of leads at our events? Then consider being a prize provider through Australian Events!

Each year thousands of visitors attend our events to learn more about the products and services available to them. Why not take advantage of their interest in your products and hold a competition to win one.

Depending on the value of the prize, Australian Events are able to help promote the giveaway and drive people to your site. You will be able to collect potential customer details and depending on the value of your prize, you may be eligible to collect the leads digitally. Say goodbye to long hours of data entry when recording customer details written on a piece of paper, you now have them in a file ready to upload straight into your database.

So let’s recap, depending on the value of the prize you can benefit from:

  • Additional advertisement across the event about your  business and the competition showcasing your product;
  • Advertisement within Event Guides and/or newspapers;
  • Thousands of people driven to your site during the event; and
  • Hundreds of leads digitally ready for you at the end of the event.

If you are interested in finding out more about the benefits which could be offered to you by running a competition, please visit the appropriate event website and find the prize sponsorship from. Fill in the form and a representative from Australian Events will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

If you are planning to giveaway a prize on your site without our assistance, please let us know. We are more than happy to highlight it for free on our event website.

Australian Events is here to help promote your business and products. Get the most out of exhibiting at events!